Date |
Speaker |
Affiliation |
Title |
2024-12-11 |
Matti Vuorre |
Tilburg University |
Communicating causal effect heterogeneity
2024-12-04 |
Luke Sztajnkrycer |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Investigating consequential inconsistency in dynamic decision making |
2024-11-13 |
Henrik Singmann |
University College London |
When you should and shouldn’t use mixed models and/or Bayes factors
2024-11-06 |
Megan Peters |
University of California, Irvine |
Introspective psychophysics and the quantitative study of subjective experience
2024-10-30 |
Víthor Rosa Franco |
Universidade São Francisco |
Revealing deep psychological insights and scientific laws through Representational Measurement Theory
2024-10-23 |
Joseph Houpt |
University of Texas at San Antonio |
Human and AI melanoma detection
2024-10-16 |
Peter Kvam |
The Ohio State University |
Machine learning tools for model fitting, comparison, and discovery
2024-10-09 |
Jaime Lane Derringer |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
What is gender?
2024-10-02 |
Stefano Noventa |
Universität Tübingen |
Toward a unified perspective on assessment models
2024-09-25 |
Adele Diederich |
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg |
Testing a dynamic dual-process model of inter-temporal choice: Serial and quasi-parallel processing
2024-09-11 |
Babak Hemmatian |
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign |
Thinking with a community at multiple levels of analysis |
2024-08-28 |
Zygmunt Pizlo |
University of California, Irvine |
The concept of symmetry and the theory of problem solving
2024-05-01 |
Trung Le & Qidi Man |
First year projects |
2024-04-24 |
Hyunjoo Kim |
The Two-Step Q-matrix Estimation Method |
2024-04-17 |
Michael Rizzo |
A longitudinal investigation of U.S. children's developing racial biases |
2024-04-10 |
Jake Hinman |
Representations of space in the brain |
2024-04-03 |
Haylee Min |
Applying ML/AI to move forward organizational research and practices |
2024-03-27 |
Steven Culpepper |
Bayesian Multilevel Models: Priors to Avoid Overfitting |
2024-03-20 |
Jinming Zhang & Cary Lin |
Extending Tukey’s Test to Detecting Three-way Interaction in Two-Facet G-Theory Designs and its application |
2024-03-06 |
Susu Zhang |
Exploring the NAEP Math Achievement Gap: Insights from Test-Taking Process Data |
2024-02-14 |
Jon Willits |
Trying to quantify task specific activation of different kinds of information |
2024-02-07 |
Jennifer Cromley |
2024-01-31 |
Kimbery Rios |
Understanding academics' perceptions of identity-related research: The role of intellectual humility |
2023-12-06 |
Tasha Holden |
The Roles of Working Memory, Stereotype Threat, and Academic Attitudes in Student Learning and Achievement |
2023-11-29 |
Benedek Kurdi |
Are implicit evaluations purely model-free? Lessons from an adversarial collaboration |
2023-11-15 |
Cagri Haksoz |
Less can be more: How to make operations more flexible and robust with fewer resources |
2023-11-08 |
Janina Hoffman |
U of Bath |
Cognitive limitations in decision making |
2023-10-25 |
Jessie Chin |
Search as a process in self-regulated learning |
2023-10-18 |
Mark Himmelstein |
Fordham |
Measuring Persuasion Without Measuring a Prior Belief: A New Application of Planned Missing Data Techniques |
2023-10-11 |
Sepideh Sadaghiani |
The functional brain connectome across slow and fast timescales of neural connectivity |
2023-10-04 |
Shiyu Wang |
U of Georgia |
Exploring Cognitive Process and Attributes through Multimodal Data Analysis |
2023-09-27 |
Justin Leiby |
The Motivational Effects of Delaying Compensation for People on University versus Vocational Educational Tracks |
2023-09-13 |
Michelle Byrne |
Monash U |
Modelling puberty in adolescent girls and LGBTQIA+ youth |
2023-08-30 |
Jessica Montag |
Language: Only the fun stuff |
2023-04-26 |
Kota Saito |
Cal Tech |
Axiomatization of Random Utility Model with Unobservable Alternatives |
2023-04-19 |
Hyunjoo Kim and Sunbeom Kwon |
Identifiability of Estimated Q-Matrices for the DINA Model: Implications for Estimation Algorithms |
2023-04-12 |
Brett Jefferson |
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory |
Model Fit Using Sheaves . . . and some stuff about NAM and PNNL |
2023-04-05 |
Carla Hunter |
Racial Trauma and Facilitating Healing in Black Communities |
2023-03-22 |
Frieder Koehn |
Nonparametric Methods in Cognitively Diagnostic Assessments |
2023-03-08 |
Emily Neu Line and Meichai Chen |
Testing (Non-)Bayesian Persuasion in Experiments |
2023-03-01 |
Melih Bastopcu |
Experimental Design to Test Spite and Probability Bias in Bayesian Persuasion |
2023-02-15 |
Clintin Davis-Stober |
Missouri |
Better Accuracy for Better Science...Through Random Conclusions |
2023-02-06 |
Jonas Ludwig |
Tel Aviv University |
Supplementing Experimental Data Analytics with Order-Constrained Inference |
2023-01-30 |
Marc Jekel |
University of Cologne |
Formalizing and Evaluating Verbal Hypotheses about a Collection of Proportions |
2022-11-30 |
Leo Alexander III |
Making Decisions about Adverse Impact: The Influence of Individual and Situational Differences |
2022-11-16 |
Shaowei Ke |
University of Michigan |
Learning from a Black Box |
2022-11-09 |
Ross Jacobucci |
University of Notre Dame |
Flexible Specification of Large Structural Equation Models with Regularization |
2022-11-02 |
Jinnie Shin |
University of Florida |
AI in Education and Computational Psychometric |
2022-10-26 |
Victoria Quirk |
IRTree Selection Validity in Presence of Extreme Response Styles |
2022-10-19 |
Mancy Liao |
Duolingo |
What Do Psychometricians Do in an Educational Tech Company? |
2022-10-12 |
Bo Zhang |
UIUC - LER/IO Psych |
One size does not fit all: Unraveling item response process heterogeneity using the Mixed Dominance-Unfolding Model (MixDUM) |
2022-10-05 |
Shiyu Wang |
University of Georgia |
Bayesian Estimation of Attribute Hierarchy for Cognitive Diagnosis Models |
2022-09-28 |
Auburn Jimenez |
UIUC - Quant Psych |
An unconstrained diagnostic model framework for ordinal data using a Polya-gamma data augmentation strategy |
2022-09-21 |
Joye Xin Qiao |
Southern Methodist University |
Diagnostic Classification Analysis of Problem-solving Competence Using Process Data: An Item Expansion Method |
2022-09-07 |
Maximilian Maier |
University College London |
robust Bayesian metaanalysis and its application to the reanalysis of the nudge effect |
2022-08-31 |
Nigel Bosch |
UIUC - iSchool/Ed Psych |
Explainability and Causality in Machine Learning for Measurement and Intervention |